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And now it's time... to create your pseudonym !


Respect the following conditions to make sure it is unique :

  1. pick up a WORD of your choice

  2. put the INITIALS of your name and surname

  3. finish with the DAY and MONTH of your birthdate 


You will get the combination : WORD+INITIALS+DAY+MONTH

You want to write a letter to a student, to put a smile back on their face ? 

It's very simple, all you need is a piece of paper, a pen and to let your heart speak. 

You will then have to fill in this form and drop your letter off at one of our offices.

In the following days, we will drop your letter off in an student residence in Lyon.


Our offices are open every two weeks (on Tuesday or Thursday).


Caution: make sure you sign your letter with your pseudonym so that we can follow it up. 

If you wish to send other letters later, you won't need to fill in this form again.

EMF Lyon

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

1C avenue des Frères Lumière 

69008 Lyon

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